Saturday 23 March 2013

LOGO - design and development.

This blog entry is to explain how and why i have designed my company logo and how it can be used to help promote myself as a professional photographer.

A corporate identity (logo) is without a doubt one of the most important things to have in business.. Having a recognisable and effective logo is another thing.

Below are a few snapshot images of the design and development of my very own logo. A logo that i feel works in a number of ways - of which i will also explain.

Initial brain-storming and sketches.

Having a background in Graphic Design, my thoughts were (and still are) to combine elements of photography and graphic design, as well as my name into my business logo. I felt it was important to include graphic elements and words to support this - hence the use of photo-design.


I then began to refine my initial sketches by creating
a series of
omputer-generated versions.
I strongly felt the letters by themselves were to free and open, vulnerable if you like to become lost in other elements that may arise down the track that might overpower the impact i wanted my logo to have. So i started to contain them within strong shapes.


Here is the design i chose to run with.

I am happy with this design. It's vertical alignment/arrangement gives a real presence to it, a sense of importance if you like. The 'd' and other words are all clear and crisp to read. The small squares help to represent film sprocket holes as well as indicate a row of images. The 'd' incorporates not only a letter referring to my shortened name (Drew) but the centre dot also helps to represent an aperture of a camera lens. If you also look at it side-on it is also meant to represent the offset printing press, with the large circle being the drum a plate negative would atach to making contact with a flat surface as if it were transferring ink onto a sheet of paper.

Anyway, i may have lost you on that last part, so just take my word for it ay :]

I purposely went for just a black and white logo design, because it dosen't distract the viewer's eye too much when use by itself or as a watermark on my images, or when used in marketing/promotional material for that matter.

The font i chose speaks for itself. It is AvantGarde which is exactly what i hope to achieve through my images and design work.


It has since seen a change in the wording; from

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