Saturday 23 March 2013


The aim of this project is to explore audio technologies and recording techniques that incorporate a variety of sources in the production of an audio track for electronic distribution.

Okay, so this is something i have never done before, so i am excited to give it a go and see what comes of it. The following piece of text is a sample of what i will use in conjunction with some music to produce my very own promotional podcast.



Hi. I’m Drew from d-photo-grafic and today I’m gonna give you a brief run-down on myself and my business, so sit back and tune in to what I have to tell you.

My initial profession was in Graphic Design, but I am now a freelance documentary and landscape photographer, based in Australia’s national capital city of Canberra.

Photography, for me, is the bee’s-knees of career choices, but also something that just satisfies me overall. It allows me to explore this fascinating planet, connect with people of every age, race and gender, challenge my creative abilities and increase my own knowledge and understanding of this thing called life. The thing I like most about photography is that it allows me to travel and experience the world for what it is, as it happens.

I believe there is a real power to photography, which, if used correctly, has the ability to detail a moment in time that words struggle to express.

My personal aim is to continue doing what I’m doing for now, for as long as I can I guess. I do aim to pursue a role lecturing in photography in my later years, so that I may give back to the profession through a new generation of enthusiastic photographers.

Oh man, giving a short answer on what inspires me is almost impossible. I get inspired by so much each and every day of my life. Sometimes it’s the simplest of things and other times it can be something so complex that my brain hurts just thinking about it.

As for which photographer/s inspires me. Again, this is another difficult question to answer, but I will say people like Christian Fletcher, Peter Lik, Joel Meyerwitz, Martin Parr, Trentn Parke, Scott Leggo and Frank Hurley, to name just a few from a very long list.

Thanks for listening!


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